Incremental AI for the people!

What I will call “Incremental AI” is a broad, conceptual category of workloads in which AI is applied to bring speed, efficiency, scale, accuracy, quality, etc. to activities that a human would have otherwise performed.

Microsoft’s Copilot capabilities (for the most part) squarely fall into this bucket as they help their end user to find information more granularly, identify highest-potential sales targets more accurately, create content more quickly, book appointments more efficiently, write code more effectively, etc.

Join me—Andrew Welch—with HSO’s "Dynamics Matters” podcast host Michael Lonnon for part two of our AI strategy miniseries as talk Copilot and what all the excitement is about, turning on the AI that many organizations already own, engaging with business users to understand where AI can make a real difference, making AI a part of your app rationalization, mining processes, and learning from peers (and competitors).


Differential (Aspirational) AI


AI Innovation Day 🇳🇱