AI = Data, good and ready

Pre-requisite to your use of AI is consolidation of data in storage services where it can be aggregated and used. Data is the essential fuel without which AI models cannot be trained nor have the capacity to act on the information that makes them most valuable. Unfortunately, for all the advancements in cloud technology of the last decade, most organizations are home to vast unconsolidated stores of data. Your data lives in OneDrive, spreadsheets, desktops, one-off databases often sitting beneath point solutions, and—if you’re lucky—some of it lives in lakes, warehouses, lake houses, and properly managed databases.

Organizations must also secure, govern, cleanse, establish lineage and compliance, manage metadata, and—ultimately—distribute data to downstream consumers, including AI-driven workloads. In other words, they must establish the conditions for their consolidated data to be used, and for its use thereof to produce quality outcomes.

The disarray most find themselves in with their data results from the convergence of a lack of capability and a lack of will. Let’s discuss…

Join me—Andrew Welch—with HSO’s "Dynamics Matters” podcast host Michael Lonnon for part one of our AI strategy miniseries as we geek out about data consolidation and AI-addressable data storage, Microsoft Fabric, data hygiene, data readiness and the “cloud landing zone”, data distribution and more as you craft + execute your future-ready AI strategy.


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